Home / Blog / Warburg Research raises target for Jost Werke to 71 euros

Warburg Research raises target for Jost Werke to 71 euros

May 26, 2023May 26, 2023

HAMBURG (dpa-AFX Broker) - Analysts Warburg Research raised its price target for Jost Werke from 66 to 71 euros on the occasion of two acquisitions and left its rating at "buy". At first glance, the acquired Crenlo do Brasil is a bull's eye for the truck supplier, analyst Fabio Holscher wrote in a study presented on Thursday. The cherry on top, he added, is the acquisition of LH Lift, which fits well into Jost's existing product portfolio./edh/mis

Publication of the original study: 31.08.2023 / 08:15 / CEST.

First disclosure of original study: Date not stated in study / Time not stated in study / CEST


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